Pat: 1) Due date file is now created when a new assignment is created. This will allow a check to be preformed on the student side. 2) When the Gradebook link is clicked, it now prompts the user to select which assignment they want to enter grades for. 3) The first column of the Gradebook page is now populated with student names from a file. Charles: 1) When a student uploads a file, it now provides a timestamp for each submission that they give. 2) No attacker should be able to upload a file either in the class folder or lab folder by using '..' or '/' 3) There is a countdown to the due date on the assignment submission page 4) When the due date is passed, a user is not allowed to upload any file to that assignment. Next two weeks Charles: 1) Allow the user to upload multiple files. Need to ask Alex how he wants this to look. 2) Start progress on the check submission page 3) Start progress on the gradebook page Pat: 1) Dynamically create a text box for each student after selecting which assignment to enter grades for. 2) Populate the newly created text box with the students' scores from the grades file if they have a score for that assignment. 3) Implement the logout link so that the session is destroyed and user is redirected to the main page upon click.